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Looking for a reliable blood pressure monitor? This is not always easy, there are many different brands and types available. Buying a blood pressure monitor therefore requires good preparation. Do you choose one upper arm blood pressure monitor or a wrist blood pressure monitor? We give a number of tips with regard to buying a blood pressure monitor.

Measuring blood pressure

The doctor has diagnosed high blood pressure. It is important to keep a close eye on this, as serious high blood pressure requires treatment. This prevents the development of cardiovascular disease. At the doctor's office, the blood pressure is often slightly higher than during a home measurement. This is due to the tension and stress at the consultation hour, which causes the blood pressure to rise. For this reason, the doctor wants to know what the blood pressure looks like at home. With an accurate measurement, a clear insight into the blood pressure is created. Measurement can be done in two ways, via the upper arm or the wrist. If you need to measure your blood pressure on the advice of your doctor, choose an upper arm blood pressure monitor. This gives an accurate result and is less sensitive to movements. The wrist blood pressure monitor is only suitable for people who occasionally want to measure their blood pressure, or who can keep their arm very still.

Which blood pressure monitor to buy?

Once you have made a choice with regard to the type of blood pressure monitor, the choice for a specific brand follows. The most famous brands are Omron, Beurer, micro life en Rossmax. Each brand has its advantages and disadvantages. Note the message clinically validated. These blood pressure monitors have been extensively tested and work accurately. The StrideBP Institute tests the reliability of blood pressure monitors. If the device has been approved by the StrideBP, it will be placed on a list. The Dutch Heart Foundation recommends choosing a blood pressure monitor from this list.